Auxiliary Tool Functions
Auxiliary functions for the manipulation of data and plots.
- comfit.tool.tool_add_spacing_2D.tool_add_spacing_2D(X, Y, U, V, spacing)
Add spacing to a 2D field.
- Return type:
- Xnp.ndarray
The x-coordinates.
- Ynp.ndarray
The y-coordinates.
- Unp.ndarray
The x-components of the field.
- Vnp.ndarray
The y-components of the field.
- spacingint
The spacing to be added.
- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
The spaced x-coordinates, y-coordinates, x-components of the field, and y-components of the field.
- comfit.tool.tool_add_spacing_3D.tool_add_spacing_3D(X, Y, Z, U, V, W, spacing)
Add spacing to a 3D field.
When working with plot vectors, it is often useful to reduce the number of vectors to make the plot more readable. This function allows you to do that by adding spacing to the field.
- Return type:
- Xnp.ndarray
The x-coordinates.
- Ynp.ndarray
The y-coordinates.
- Znp.ndarray
The z-coordinates.
- Unp.ndarray
The x-components of the field.
- Vnp.ndarray
The y-components of the field.
- Wnp.ndarray
The z-components of the field.
- spacingint
The spacing to be added.
- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
The spaced x-, y-, z-coordinates, x-, y-, and z-components of the field.
- comfit.tool.tool_make_animation.tool_make_animation_gif(counter, name=None, fps=24, ID=None, delete_png=True)
Make an animation from a series of plot img and save it as a GIF file.
- Return type:
- counterint
The number of plot img to include in the animation.
- nameOptional[str], optional
The filename for the output GIF, by default None
- fpsOptional[int], optional
The frames per second for the GIF, by default 24
- IDOptional[str], optional
A unique identifier for the plot image files, by default None
- delete_pngOptional[bool], optional
Whether to delete the png files after creating the GIF, by default True
- None
Saves the GIF file.
- comfit.tool.tool_make_animation.tool_make_animation_movie(counter, name=None, fps=24, ID=None, delete_png=True)
Make an animation from a series of plot img and save it as an MP4 video file.
- Return type:
- counterint
The number of plot img to include in the animation.
- nameOptional[str], optional
The filename for the output video, by default None
- fpsOptional[int], optional
The frames per second for the video, by default 24
- IDOptional[str], optional
A unique identifier for the plot image files, by default None
- delete_pngOptional[bool], optional
Whether to delete the png files after creating the video, by default True
- None
Saves the video file.
- comfit.tool.tool_colormap.tool_colormap(colormap_string, plot_lib='plotly')
Get a colormap for a plot.
- Return type:
- colormap_stringstr
The name of the colormap. See options at
- plot_libstr, optional
The plotting library to use, either ‘plotly’ or ‘matplotlib’, by default ‘plotly’
- Union[mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap, List[Tuple[float, str]]]
For plotly: List of tuples with (position, rgb color string) For matplotlib: A matplotlib colormap object
- comfit.tool.tool_complete_field.tool_complete_field(self, field)
Extends a partial field array to a complete array by tiling.
- Return type:
- self‘BaseSystem’
A BaseSystem (or derived) instance.
- fieldnp.ndarray
Input field array to be extended. Can be 1D, 2D, or 3D array with partial dimensions.
- np.ndarray
Extended field array with complete dimensions matching self.xRes, self.yRes, and self.zRes.
If input field is incomplete (has dimensions of 1 in some axes), it will be tiled to match the full resolution specified by self.xRes, self.yRes, and self.zRes.
- comfit.tool.tool_configure_axis.tool_configure_axis(dim, name, xlim=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, xRes=None, dx=None)
Configure a single axis (x, y, or z) based on the provided parameters.
When constructing a grid, providing all parameters will over-specify the axis. This function takes care of the hierarchy of values and determines the axis limits, minimum value, maximum value, resolution, and step size.
The hierarchy of values is as follows: xlim > xmin > xmax > xRes > dx
- Return type:
- dimint
Dimension of the system (1, 2, or 3)
- namestr
Name of the axis (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’) for error messages
- xlimlist of float, optional
A 2-element list [min, max] for the axis limits
- xminfloat, optional
Minimum value of the axis
- xmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value of the axis
- xResint, optional
Resolution (number of points) along the axis
- dxfloat, optional
Step size (spacing between points) along the axis
- tuple
(xlim, xmin, xmax, xRes, dx) where: - xlim is a list of [min, max] values - xmin is the minimum value (float) - xmax is the maximum value (float) - xRes is the resolution (int) - dx is the step size (float)
Even though the function takes parameters ‘x’-specific parameters, it is used for ‘y’ and ‘z’ as well.
- comfit.tool.tool_create_orthonormal_triad.tool_create_orthonormal_triad(t)
Create an orthonormal triad given a vector t.
- Return type:
- tnp.ndarray
Input vector of shape (3,). Does not need to be normalized.
- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
A tuple (e1, e2, t) containing the orthonormal triad vectors. Each vector is a normalized numpy array of shape (3,).
- comfit.tool.tool_extract_node_arrays.tool_extract_node_arrays(self, nodes)
Extracts node arrays from a dictionary of nodes.
- Return type:
- self‘BaseSystem’
A BaseSystem (or derived) instance.
- nodesList[Dict]
List of node dictionaries containing position and other properties
- Dict[str, Any]
Dictionary containing arrays of node properties including: - coordinates (x,y,z) - velocity components if present - charge-separated coordinates if charges present - Burgers vector components if present - tangent vector components if present
- comfit.tool.tool_math_functions.levi_civita_symbol(i, j, k)
Calculate the Levi-Civita symbol (antisymmetric tensor).
- The Levi-Civita symbol is defined as:
1 if (i,j,k) is an even permutation of (0,1,2) -1 if (i,j,k) is an odd permutation of (0,1,2) 0 if any indices are repeated or not in {0,1,2}
- iint
First index
- jint
Second index
- kint
Third index
- int
Value of Levi-Civita symbol: 1, -1, or 0
>>> levi_civita_symbol(0,1,2) 1 >>> levi_civita_symbol(1,0,2) -1 >>> levi_civita_symbol(0,0,1) 0
- comfit.tool.tool_math_functions.tool_multinom(*args)
Calculate the multinomial coefficient.
- Return type:
- *argsint
Sequence of integers representing the counts of each category.
- float
The multinomial coefficient value.
- comfit.tool.tool_matplotlib_define_2D_plot_ax.tool_matplotlib_define_2D_plot_ax(fig, ax=None)
Defines the axes for a 2D plot in matplotlib.
- Return type:
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
Figure object.
- axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
Axes object.
- axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
Axes object.
- comfit.tool.tool_matplotlib_define_3D_plot_ax.tool_matplotlib_define_3D_plot_ax(fig, ax=None)
Defines the axes for a 3D plot in matplotlib.
- Return type:
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
Figure object.
- axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot
Axes object.
- axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot
Axes object.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_colorbar.format_tick_value(val)
Format a numeric value with appropriate SI prefix and significant figures. This function formats numeric values using SI prefixes and adjusts decimal places based on the magnitude of the number. For values that don’t align with standard SI prefixes, scientific notation is used as a fallback.
- Return type:
- valfloat
The numeric value to format.
- str
A string representation of the value with appropriate SI prefix and formatting.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_colorbar.generate_numbers_between(cmin, cmax)
Generate evenly spaced numbers between given minimum and maximum values.
This function generates a sequence of numbers between cmin and cmax with appropriate step sizes based on the range magnitude. The step size is adjusted to maintain a readable number of ticks.
- Return type:
- cminfloat
Minimum value of the range.
- cmaxfloat
Maximum value of the range.
- tuple[np.ndarray, float]
A tuple containing: - np.ndarray: Array of evenly spaced numbers between cmin and cmax - float: The exponent of the range magnitude (delta_exp)
- ValueError
If cmin is greater than cmax.
The step size is determined based on the range magnitude: - If range <= 5 units: step = 10^delta_exp - If range <= 10 units: step = 2×10^delta_exp - If range <= 15 units: step = 3×10^delta_exp - If range <= 20 units: step = 4×10^delta_exp
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_colorbar.tool_plotly_colorbar(ax, type='normal')
Add a colorbar to a plotly figure subplot with customizable type and placement.
- Return type:
- axdict
Dictionary containing subplot information with keys: - ‘vmin’: Minimum value for normal colorbar - ‘vmax’: Maximum value for normal colorbar - ‘plot_dimension’: Integer (2 or 3) indicating plot dimensions - ‘colormap_object’: Plotly colormap object - ‘row’: Row index of subplot - ‘col’: Column index of subplot - ‘nrows’: Total number of rows in figure - ‘ncols’: Total number of columns in figure
- typestr, optional
Type of colorbar to create, by default ‘normal’ - ‘normal’: Linear scale with auto-formatted tick values - ‘angle’: Angular scale from -π to π with radian labels
- Union[plotly.graph_objects.Scatter, plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d]
A scatter trace containing the colorbar configuration. The trace has no data points and is used solely for displaying the colorbar.
The colorbar placement is automatically calculated based on the subplot position. For normal type, tick values are auto-formatted with scientific notation. For angle type, tick values are displayed in π radians.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_define_2D_plot_ax.tool_plotly_define_2D_plot_ax(fig, ax)
Define x-axis, y-axis and plot dimension parameters for 2D Plotly plots.
This function sets up axis naming conventions and validates plot dimensions for 2D plots in Plotly. It determines the next available x-axis identifier and corresponding y-axis.
- Return type:
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure
The Plotly figure object to define axes for.
- axDict[str, Any]
Dictionary containing axis parameters. May include: xN : str (optional, X-axis identifier, e.g., ‘x’, ‘x2’, ‘x3’), yN : str (optional, Y-axis identifier, e.g., ‘y’, ‘y2’, ‘y3’), plot_dimension : int (optional, plot dimension, must be 2 for 2D plots).
- Dict[str, Any]
Updated dictionary containing: xN : str (X-axis identifier), yN : str (Y-axis identifier), plot_dimension : int (Plot dimension, always 2), xaxisN : str (Full x-axis reference, e.g., ‘xaxis’, ‘xaxis2’), yaxisN : str (Full y-axis reference, e.g. ‘yaxis’, ‘yaxis2’).
- ValueError
If plot_dimension is not 2.
The function automatically determines the next available x-axis identifier if not provided in the input dictionary.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_define_3D_plot_ax.tool_plotly_define_3D_plot_ax(fig, ax)
Defines and validates parameters for a 3D plot axis in Plotly.
This function checks and sets required parameters for 3D plotting, including validating the plot dimension and assigning a scene number.
- Return type:
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure
The Plotly figure object to which the 3D plot will be added.
- axdict
- Dictionary containing axis parameters. Must include or will set:
- plot_dimensionint
Must be 3 for 3D plots
- sceneNint
Scene number for the 3D plot, auto-generated if not provided
- dict
Updated axis parameters dictionary with validated 3D plot settings.
- ValueError
If plot_dimension is not 3.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_find_next_sceneN.tool_plotly_find_next_sceneN(fig)
Find the next available scene name in a Plotly figure.
- Return type:
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure
The Plotly figure to analyze.
- str
The next available scene name. Returns ‘scene’ if no scenes are used, otherwise returns ‘sceneN’ where N is one more than the current highest scene number.
- comfit.tool.tool_plotly_find_next_xN.tool_plotly_find_next_xN(fig)
Find the next available x-axis identifier in a Plotly figure.
- Return type:
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure
The Plotly figure to analyze.
- str
The next available x-axis identifier. Returns ‘x’ if no x-axes are used, or ‘xN’ where N is one more than the current highest axis number.
- comfit.tool.tool_plot_manipulation_functions.tool_zoom_plot_matplotlib(zoom_factor, ax=None)
Zoom in/out on a matplotlib plot by adjusting axis limits.
- Return type:
- zoom_factorfloat
Factor by which to zoom. Values > 1 zoom in, values < 1 zoom out.
- axplt.Axes, optional
The axes to apply zoom to. If None, uses current axes, by default None.
- None
Modifies the plot in place.
- comfit.tool.tool_print_in_color.tool_print_in_color(string, color='red')
Print a string in color.
- stringstr
The string to be printed.
- colorstr
The color of the string. Options are ‘red’ (default), ‘green’, ‘yellow’, ‘blue’, ‘magenta’, ‘cyan’, ‘white’, ‘black’.
- None
Prints the string
- comfit.tool.tool_set_plot_axis_properties_matplotlib.tool_set_plot_axis_properties_matplotlib(self, **kwargs)
Set the properties of the axis for a plot.
- Return type:
- kwargsdict
Keyword arguments for the axis properties.
- matplotlib.axes.Axes
The axis object with the properties set.
- comfit.tool.tool_set_plot_axis_properties_plotly.tool_set_plot_axis_properties_plotly(self, **kwargs)
Set the properties of the axis for a plot.
- Return type:
- kwargsdict
Keyword arguments for the axis properties.
- None
Function updates the layout and scene dictionaries with the axis properties.