Class: Nematic Liquid Crystal
Nematic Liquid Crystal model.
- class comfit.nematic_liquid_crystal.nematic_liquid_crystal.NematicLiquidCrystal(dim, **kwargs)
- __init__(dim, **kwargs)
Initializes a system to simulate a (active) nematic liquid crystal
- Args:
dimension : The dimension of the system. kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments to set additional parameters. See
Returns: - NematicLiquidCrystal object
The system object representing the nematic simulation.
- Example:
nematic = NematicLiquidCrystal(2, xRes=100, yRes = 100, alpha=-0.5) Creates a nematic liquid crystal with 2 dimensions and a spatial resolution of 100. The activity alpha is set to -0.5.
- calc_active_force_f(Q)
Function that calculates the activ force in Fourier space.
- Args:
Q: the order parameter that we use to find the force. (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
The active force in Fourier space (numpy.narray)
- calc_disclination_density_decoupled()
Calculates the decoupled disclination density
- Args:
- Returns:
The disclination density (numpy.narray)
- calc_disclination_density_nematic()
Calculates the disclination density for the nematic. Note that in three dimension the disclination density is a tensor
- Args:
- Returns:
The disclination density (numpy.narray)
- calc_disclination_nodes_nem(dt_Q=None, polarization=None, charge_tolerance=None)
Calculates the positions and charges of disclination nodes based on the disclination density.
- Args:
dt_Q: The time derivative of the order parameter. If not provided, the velocity of the disclination nodes will not be calculated. (numpy.narray, optional)
- Returns:
- A list of dictionaries representing the disclination nodes. Each dictionary contains the following keys:
‘position_index’: The position index of the disclination node in the disclination density array.
‘charge’: The charge of the disclination node.
‘position’: The position of the disclination node as a list [x, y].
‘velocity’: The velocity of the disclination node as a list [vx, vy].
- calc_disclination_polarization_field()
Calculates the polarization field of the disclination in two dimensions
- Args:
- Returns:
The polarization field (numpy.narray)
- calc_disclination_velocity_field(dt_Q, T=None, Omega_R=None, g=None, omega=None)
Calculates the velocity field of the disclination in two dimensions
- Args:
dt_Q: the time derivative of the order parameter (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
- The velocity field (numpy.narray).
Note in 2D this returns a field while in 3D this is returning a vector
- calc_dt_psi(Q_prev, delta_t)
Calculates the time derivative of the order parameter as a complex field
- Args:
Q_prev: the order parameter at the previous time step (numpy.narray) delta_t: the time step (float)
- Returns:
The time derivative of the order parameter (numpy.narray)
- calc_equilibrium_S()
Calculates the strength of nematic order S
- Args:
- Returns:
equilibrium value of S (numpy.narray)
- calc_g_matrix(dt_Q)
Calculates the matrix g, that is used to find the disclination velocity in 3D
- Args:
- Returns:
The disclination density (numpy.narray)
- calc_gradient_pressure_f(p_f)
Caclulates the gradient of the pressure
- Args:
p_f: the pressure in Fourier space (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
Gradient of the pressure (numpy.ndarray)
- calc_molecular_field(Q)
Finds the molecular field
- Args:
Q (numpy.ndarray): The nematic tensor
- Returns:
The molecular field (numpy.ndarray)
- calc_nonlinear_evolution_function_f(Q, t)
Calculates the non-linear evolution function for the nematic
- Args:
Q: the nematic orderparameter (numpy.narray)
The non-linear evolution function evaluated in Fourier space (numpy.narray)
- calc_nonlinear_evolution_term_no_flow_f(Q, t)
Calculates the non-linear evolution function for the nematic without the flow field
- Args:
Q: the nematic orderparameter (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
The non-linear evolution function evaluated in Fourier space (numpy.narray)
- calc_order_and_director()
Calculates the amount of order (S) and the director field (n)
- Args:
- Returns:
- Tuple consisting of
Amount of order (scalar field)
the director field (vector field)
- calc_passive_force_f(Q)
Calculates the passive force in Fourier space
- Args:
Q: the order parameter that we use to find the force. (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
The passive force in Fourier space numpy.ndarray:
- calc_passive_stress_f(Q)
Calculates the passive stress in fourier space
- Args:
Q: the order parameter that we use to find the stress.
- Returns:
The passive stress in fourier space (numpy.narray)
- calc_pressure_f(F_af, F_pf)
Calculates the pressure in Fourier space. The zero mode is set to zero
- Args:
F_af: the active force in Fourier space (numpy.narray) F_pf:the passive force in Fourier space (numpy.narray)
- Returns:
The pressure (numpy.ndarray)
- calc_strain_rate_tensor_f()
Calculates the strainrate tensor
- Args:
- Returns:
The strainrate (numpy.ndarray)
- calc_trace_Q2(Q)
- calc_vorticity_tensor()
Calculates the vorticity tensor
- Args:
- Returns:
The vorticity tensor (numpy.ndarray)
- conf_active_channel(width=None, d=7)
Configures the activity to zero everywhere exept for inside a channel of width “width”
- Args:
width: width of the channel (float) d: width of interface (float, optional)
- Returns:
Updates the activity to the channel configuration.
- conf_initial_condition_ordered(noise_strength=0.01)
Configures the system with the nematogens pointing in the x-direction in 2D and in the z-direction in 3D with some random noise in the angle.
- Args:
noise_strength: A meshure for how much noise to put in the angle (float)
- Returns:
Initialises self.Q and self.Q_f
- Raises:
Exception if the dimension is not 2 or 3
- conf_initial_disclination_lines(position1=None, position2=None)
Sets the initial condition for a disclination line in a 3-dimensional system.
The dislocation is parralell to the z-axis
- Args:
position1 (list): the position of the first dislocation. Only the position in the xy plane is used
- Returns:
Sets the value of self.Q and self.Q_f
- conf_insert_disclination_dipole(dipole_vector=None, dipole_position=None)
Sets the initial condition for a disclination dipole configuration in a 2-dimensional system.
- Args:
- Returns:
Configures self.Q and self.Q_f with a disclination dipole configuration.
- Raises:
Exception: If the dimension of the system is not 2.
- conf_velocity(Q)
Updates the velocity and its fourier transform given a nematic field Q.
- Args:
(numpy.narray) the Q tensor
- Returns:
(numpy.narray) velocity
- evolve_nematic(number_of_steps, method='ETD2RK')
Evolves the nematic system
- Args:
number_of_steps: the number of time steps that we are evolving the equation (int) method: the integration method we want to use. ETD2RK is sett as default (string)
- Returns:
Updates the fields self.Q and self.Q_f
- evolve_nematic_no_flow(number_of_steps, method='ETD2RK')
Evolves the nematic system without the flow field
- Args:
number_of_steps: the number of time steps that we are evolving the equation (int) method: the integration method we want to use. ETD2RK is sett as default (string)
- Returns:
Updates the fields self.Q and self.Q_f
- plot_field_velocity_and_director(field, velocity, director, **kwargs)
- comfit.nematic_liquid_crystal.plot_field_velocity_and_director_matplotlib.plot_field_velocity_and_director_matplotlib(self, field, velocity, director, **kwargs)
Plot the fields, velocity, and director field in 2 dimensions
- Args:
field (ndarray): The field to be plotted. velocity (ndarray): The velocity to be plotted. director (ndarray): The director to be plotted. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the plot.
See for a full list of keyword arguments.
- Returns:
- A tuple consisting of
The figure
The axes with the plotted field, velocity, and director. ax (Axes)
- Raises:
Exception: If the dimension is other than 2.
- comfit.nematic_liquid_crystal.plot_field_velocity_and_director_plotly.plot_field_velocity_and_director_plotly(self, field, velocity, director, **kwargs)
Plot the fields, velocity, and director field in 2 dimensions using Plotly.
- Args:
field (ndarray): The field to be plotted. velocity (ndarray): The velocity to be plotted. director (ndarray): The director to be plotted. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the plot.
- Returns:
The plotly figure (go.Figure).